After getting sidetracked by salt and pepper calamari, we missed part of the set from warm up band Teeth and Tongue, however I must admit the forced female vocals, fuzzed guitar riffs and overt stylised referencing by lead singer Jess Cornelius was perhaps at odds with the nature of the main performer.
All this was forgotten though, by the conclusion of the second supporting act Kid Sam. A duo from Melbourne, their self-titled debut LP has received recent airtime on FBi, and I was interested to see how the lush sound translated live. Despite the initial appearance of two students ditching high school band practice to jam, cousins Kieren and Kishore Ryan quickly dispel any preconceptions with an intense, lyrical sound far richer than you would expect to be produced by just two musicians.

After being so delightfully surprised by the sheer maturity in delivery and earnest performance from Kid Sam, my expectations for Jack Ladder had been subsequently raised.

This attitude is accompanied by a subverted meaning in many of the more well-known songs, achieved through a re-think in instrumentation and arrangement. This is seen most clearly in title track Love is Gone. The original recording provides an almost twee uptempo piano and guitar melody which appears to deliberately contradict the resigned lyrics detailing the death of a relationship. Live, the song is reworked as a progressive and melodic requiem setting the tone for a very different Jack Ladder.
Similarly, You Won’t Be Forgotten (When You Leave) maintains its raw instrumentation, with sentimentality set aside with the addition of Callinan’s almost animalistic barking percussive accompanying vocals. Whilst this is for the most part an extremely welcome interpretation, it unfortunately somewhat diminishes the devastating desperation conveyed in the earlier tracks such as Two Clocks. This seemingly saccharine testament to devoted love disguises a sinister alternate meaning, and sadly this duality is lost in its translation from quiet acoustic contemplation to live rock.

Jack Ladder tours nationwide throughout July, including a return to Sydney at the Brass Monkey in Cronulla on July 16. We are all now seriously considering a Sutherland Shire roadtrip…
*photo credit: courtesy
Jack Ladder eating a banana.... enjoy kiddoes