Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where The Dirty Hipsters Are...

Karen O, Monster Children, Urban Outfitters... it seems all the cool kids are frothing at the mouth over Where the Wild Things Are...

They certainly were when I was in LA... you couldn't turn a corner without a billboard glaring at you with oh-so-cute monster eyes.

And yes, I am totally on board with this Hipster phenomenon. My notorious hatred of children is being tested... I want to borrow someone else's child and dress them in jumpsuit and crown. If February wasn't so unbearably warm, I would make an adult sized version of the costume for Playground Weekender.

Alas, until December 3rd, I must be content with truly awesome pisstakes, and engage in that classic hipster dialogue of self-denial of status....

1 comment:

  1. lol, i still haven't seen that movie i really need to.
