Sprouting up a while ago in Topshop, they not only fuse my (secret) love of lycra-wrapped thighs in terms of sheer warmth and comfort levels, they elevate this product to god-like status my virtue of Rule Britannia pattern.
As this little website of words is still its infancy we probably don’t know each other that well. So here’s a fact about me:
I love all things Britain.
As this little website of words is still its infancy we probably don’t know each other that well. So here’s a fact about me:
I love all things Britain.
From Marmalade and Jam to wintery walks through the plains of the Costwolds, England conjures an image fused from stylised childood remembrances coupled with my imagined future.
It is pure style. From the romantic County fashion of Liberty prints, Hunter wellingtons and windswept moors, I imagine poetry, crackling fires and cuddling beneath a blanket with a dashing young Oxbridge graduate.
Similarly, I imagine myself pulling on aforementioned leggings, and drinking ale in a centuries old pub tucked just off the Camden High St.
I think this obsession comes from a fortune teller... yes, fortune teller.
My cousin went to have her fortune told, and included in the details of her 'future' was a mention that I was destined to marry an English man. This in conjunction with my utter obsession with all things London- The Mighty Boosh, Russell Brand, Shoreditch culture, Camden fashion and the extraordinarily prevalent live music scene in North-East London (to name a few) confirmed in my mind I would be marrying either of these men:
Noel Fielding as Vlad the Impaler in Kasabian videoclip... Oh baby
Richard Ayoade as Moss in IT Crowd... swoon
At least with Noel we can share leggings....
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