She did ballet.
What more can I say?
Yeah, I did. I totally did. I quoted Avril Lavigne. Have you lost all respect for me?
Utterly horrifying, yes?
You may have noticed I like to try and use music as my references for blog titles and inspiration. As I trawled through my playlists searching for something to represent my subject of today, I could find nothing. And then, over the blare of Little Richard’s Tutti Frutti came the strains (and I mean strains) of Miss Lavigne’s insult to music.
However, there really is no simpler, albeit cruder, way to summarily capture my topic of today.
That is, how much do you need to have in common with someone in order for them to be interested in you?
Admittedly I shall not be taking an holistic approach to this issue, rather examining from a purely personal, far more gripey perspective, as to be honest, I am feeling quite self indulgent.
As I wrote previously, my devilish stalking revealed the identity of the ex-girlfriend of the man currently lighting my fire.
My modern day Jim Morrison was previously partnered with a now incredibly successful tour de force in a particular creative industry, working with some of my absolute idols.
She is an industry leader in London and around the world, and represents everything I aspire to (albeit in a different industry).
A little sidenote: Whilst we attempt to maintain some degree of anonymity as to our identities and what-not, it is important to note for the meaning of this post, I have only recently abandoned five years of Law and Politics degrees to seek a more creative future most likely aligned in writing, whilst dabbling in a little musical sideproject. Hence, I have only just began flexing my creative muscle and as such it remains a very weak, vulnerable and self-conscious lonely little muscle.
Anyhoo, given that my swoon-worthy male (let’s call him Jim) is also in a creative industry, these two were no doubt peas in a pod and could feed off each others’ innovative little synapse flares and further each others’ careers.
Which they did, for a time.
If this is the kind of person he appreciates, then do I stand a chance?
Is my future with this individual dependant upon my ability to produce abstract photography, or detail my comfortable upper-middle class existence with such hyperbole and narcissism I present it to be tantamount to a class based concentration camp of convenience?
(Sorry, inherent objection to comfortable little rich kids growing dreadlocks, smoking pot, putting photos of this on facebook and calling themselves revolutionaries because they “like totally, you know, like just *get* the struggle of the Venezuelans”. Ugh)
Extremely amazing advertisement completely encapsulting 'creative hipster' bullshit scene
If so, it seems this little dalliance shall be incredibly short lived should it ever get off the ground.
Is it possible for him to be content with someone whose passions are not so closely aligned? How much of us is what we do?
Then again, I have to ask myself: how much of what I am attracted to in him is aligned to his creative output?
Let’s be honest, haven’t we all had a little crush on a musician due in part to the lyrics they produce… imagining ourselves the subject of the romantic melodic storytelling?
Ah it is a struggle. Perhaps I should take comfort in the age old wisdom doled out to young women by mothers for decades now: If he cannot appreciate you exactly the way you are, he is not worthy of your interest.
Oh Mum, if only it were all that simple.

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