Near the Engineering building at Sydney University there is a heated argument occupying one entire stall in the womens' bathroom as to the place of love in life. Perhaps I should go and write our blog address?
I have also always been tempted to actually dial the numbers listed underneath statements such as "For a good time, call...." however somehow lacked the nerve.
Some charming ones I have seen in my time include:
"I love it when you talk clean" in the womens' bathroom at the Annandale Hotel. I thought this was just so darling, and regret not taking a photo of it. However armed with only a camera-phone, the thought of cross-contamination of germs onto my phone dictated it remain safely in my bag.
This one was sent by the lovely M to Miss L after spotting it in a certain William St establishment....

I also love this one, which I have borrowed from the lovely site (thanks!)

So cute!
It's always good to multitask in life, so here is some thought-provoking toilet material...
But it got me wondering whether mens' bathroom have such brilliant outsider art? Perhaps the urinal is not quite so comfortable for producing little gems such as these.
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