I feel compelled to pen a little letter to you. As this is a blog, and is hence inherently public, this note takes the form of an open letter.

Dave, why oh WHY do you have to be so gosh darned cute? You have old world good looks accompanied by schoolboy charm. You write beautiful ditties and form fantastic little groups that make delightful filmclips including flags, recorders, tubas and Mr Ladder fondling seaweed. FONDLING SEAWEED!
Dave... what are you doing to me??
Furthermore, you sing delightful falsettos on crazy little keyboards, and dress up in suits adorned with lights. LIGHTS! Daft Punk costumes have nothing on you Wiley.
You talk about hunting buck in Mona Vale "where no one knows your name". Mona Vale is my town! You are speaking to me!
Alas I am not alone in this affliction. In fact, whilst I was taking a shine to your tall, delightfully dimpled Curse of Company counterpart, my good friend LG remained faithful in her love for you. Mine has increased incrementally with each youtube video I clicked.
My fondness of you was moderate, and I was coping with my everyday life..... until tonight. You see, I was supposed to be spending my night reading my Media Law textbook in preparation for my tutorial. I have not done this. Instead, I have spent the night on the ABC Childrens' Television website.
(for all those not in the know, THIS is what I am referring to)
Dave..... Wiley..... Rennick..... how can ANYONE resist a man who sings childrens' songs? How can LG and I go about our daily tasks whilst being distracted by such amazing songs as:
N is for Nose
K is for Kazoo
G is for Gong (when you bang it, the sounds goes BONG!)
Oh Dave. Why would you do this to me? I am paralysed by childrens' songs at the age of 22.
Hmm.... what are you going to do about this then Dave? Huh? Well?
I'm just going to sit here, watch youtube and await your call...
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