Dear Bob (or would you prefer Mr Dylan.... I don't mind),
Recently, my fellow blog contributor L contacted you asking why you had to go and be so gosh darn sexy and force women to swoon over men with somewhat odd appearances.
Oh the wayfarer. Oh the musician in a suit complete with guitar and harmonica. Oh a bluesman, detailing the woes of existance.
OH F YOU BOB DYLAN! Why would you do this to me? I don't need to detail my contemporary troubador possessing all of these qualities as regular readers will know to whom I refer(it is an open letter after all).
Final complaint: Look, I know the character Hayden Christensen played in Factory Girl was meant to be a fictional character, but WE ALL KNOW IT'S YOU! It's a giant 'guess who, don't sue'.
Oh my goodddd...... Hotness personified. 5 points if you guess who it reminds me of?
He was sex on two legs. Seriously. Way not NOT help my little problem. Apparently you are born in 1941, which makes you quite old now. But I reckon you are probably still sex on a stick
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