Friday, August 7, 2009

A's Angry Abuse

So yeah. I probably shouldn't spend so much of my life cracking the shits about people's lax facebook etiquette. I'm fairly certain there are much bigger things in the world I could worry about. But you know, climate change, world poverty, personal and governmental debt and whatnot are the fodder of my other writing (yeah, the serious kind. When my mind ventures beyond facebook and other brainless procrastination fodder).

But for now, facebook.

I have previously detailed by vehement hatred for those who cannot contain their affection for their other half to the real world, and instead clog my newsfeed with nauseating saccharine shit which reeks of insecurity rather than infatuation.

However, this rage has been not only maintained, but increased by recent pollution my poor sweet home page has had to incur.

And what is this internet crime you ask?


A recent e-trend which appears to be on the rise is the tendency of couples to post sexually explicit comments to each other, with absolutely NO regard for the many mutual friends who are subjected to this filthy overshare.

An example?
'Babe, you are so hot.... I can't wait for you to cum home... im going to drag u 2 bed...'

WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK????? Grammar and abbreviation issues aside, what person thinks this is acceptable?

I nearly spat dhal all over my laptop screen when reading this whilst eating dinner the other night.

I cannot fathom who undergoes rational thought process and concludes such a posting is indeed a good plan of action?

Ugh. Words fail me right now... However I'm feeling this may be grounds for defriending? I know I have personally been defriended for lesser crimes (heh heh heh).

And now for something happy...

SINGING CATS!! Like singing dogs, but better, coz they're like, you know, cats and all...

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